Parish Christian Education Sunday School
I have felt led to share this scripture with you this morning:
Psalm 25:5 – Lead me in your truth and teach me
For you are the God of my salvation.
On you I wait all the day.
Psalm 27:8 – When you said “Seek my face” my heart said to you
“Your face, Lord, I will seek.”
Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go, even when
he is old he will not depart from it.
In the past few months, we have revisited the history of establishing Ebenezer Church, our church. We heard the history of the pastors who have served us well as they shepherded us. We’ve also heard of the music ministry of Ebenezer and the importance of sharing those talents to bless us and teach us. I will speak to you today of yet another important ministry of Ebenezer – our Sunday School (Parish Education).
So where were the children when their parents met to establish our congregation? Where were they when their parents practiced and sang hymns of songs and praise? Where were they when the pastors preached their sermons? My thought is they were right with their parents sitting on their laps and pulling on pant legs.
In 1898 they heard adults talk of a way to organize the children. They were taught “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” A superintendent, an assistant superintendent, a piano player, a treasurer, and a secretary were chosen to lead Christian Education with the help of the church counsel and the pastor. They prayerfully considered securing a teaching staff who had personal experiences of God’s saving grace so they would be qualified to lead the children to Jesus and to nourish them in the faith and same spirit of our congregation. Each teacher was brought before the people to pledge themselves to teach with the help of God.
I’m curious to see how many here today have taught or are teachers right now here at Ebenezer. Thank you all for teaching.
According to history, the first classes were held in private homes on Sunday afternoons. When the church building construction was being done in 1913, the worship was held in the finished basement. When there was enough finished in the main auditorium to move services upstairs, they partitioned off Sunday School rooms in the basement using wire on the ceilings and hung cloth curtains between each meeting area. This was done until the Sunday School addition was built on the main church building.
When our church building was heavily damaged in the tornado, once again the children were with their parents as they painfully weighed out what to do. Should they rebuild or build new? I personally believe the decision to build new came with our youth in mind. The new generations would appreciate the forward thoughts of our congregation. There is much hope held in our children. There are children in Ebenezer now who are descendants of the Founding Fathers of Ebenezer – “to God be the glory for the things He has done.”
Things to remember:
- Years ago, parochial school (church school or VBS) was held in the summer months. Teachers were salaried. They went to school full days and it lasted for weeks.
- A Cradle Roll was established. Each newborn from Ebenezer was noted on a Cradle Roll board posted in the church. As the children grew, the superintendent sent parents cards of encouragement and tips appropriate to the age of the children. Children received birthday messages and were invited to Sunday School when they reached four years of age.
- Each Sunday started with opening exercises, which was devotions lead by the superintendent with mission reports, singing, and praying.
- The Sunday School had a children’s choir.
- Sunday morning lessons began when the teacher and the children were settled in the meeting area after the superintendent rang the bell. The lessons were over when the superintendent rang the bell again to signal to go to worship.
- Children were given awards for attendance. They were given pins to wear with discs that changed with the number of years they attended Sunday School.
- The children’s offering each month went to missions. The offering was placed in a little white church bank. A birthday offering was given when it was a child’s birthday, giving a penny for each year.
- Each year the Sunday School had a Christmas program. After the program they were given a brown paper bag filled with candy and an apple.
- The children carried palm branches on Good Friday often singing “Tell me the Stories of Jesus”.
- The youth presented the Sunrise Easter Service with a sermon, music, and a program followed by serving breakfast. Parents worked with their children at that special time.
I’m sure you all have Sunday School memories and stories. All who teach, reach, and learn are blessed.
For Our Children
Lord Jesus, who didst take little children into Thine arms and laugh and play with them, bless, we pray Thee, all children at this Christmastide. As with shining eyes and glad hearts they nod their heads so wisely at the stories of the angels, and of a baby cradled in the hay at the end of the way of a wandering star, may their faith and expectation be a rebuke to our own faithlessness.
Help us to make this season all joy for them, a time that shall make Thee, Lord Jesus, even more real to them. Watch tenderly over them and keep them safe. Grant that they may grow in health and strength into Christian maturity. May they turn early to Thee, the Friend of children, the Friend of all. We ask in the lovely name of Him who was once a little child. Amen.
-Peter Marshall
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