If you listen to Christian radio, and with this being the season of Lent, you may have heard of Nicole C. Mullen’s song, “My Redeemer Lives”. It’s a popular Easter song that speaks of Jesus …
‘Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning and who told the ocean, you can only come this far’. It speaks of Jesus who took ‘takes away my shame’ by taking ‘the payment for my sin’. I like the song. It’s a good song that speaks of the Gospel – Jesus my Savior. The chorus, however, is what gives the song it’s punch. After singing, ‘But now He’s alive and there’s an empty grave’ Nicole is overjoyed and sings over and again in an impassioned declaration:
I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
He lives
He lives
He lives
He lives
As a believer in Jesus Christ as our Savior, We know our Redeemer lives. Because Jesus lives, we have promises to claim. When Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33), Jesus was telling us He Lives! He has overcome the world and has overcome the powers of darkness and of death. He Lives!
Because our Redeemer lives, we CAN face tomorrow with confidence. Because Jesus lives to help us, lives to comfort us, lives to guide us and strengthen us until that day when all hardship will end. When our end day comes, Jesus assures us “Because I live, you also will live.” (John 14:19)
Phillip Yancey writes,
“The Bible stakes God’s reputation on his ability to conquer evil and restore heaven and earth to their original perfection. Apart from that future state, God could be judged less-than-powerful, or less-than-loving. So far the prophets’ visions of peace and justice have not come true. Swords aren’t being melted into plowshares. Death, with ugly new mutations of AIDS and environmental cancers, is still swallowing people up, not being swallowed. Evil, not good, appears to be winning. But the bible calls us to see beyond the grim reality of history to the view of all eternity, when God’s reign will fill the earth with light and truth. In any discussion (about) God, heaven is the last word, the most important word of all … (then) for the first time ever, human beings will be able to look upon God face to face. In the midst of agony, Job somehow came up with the faith to believe that ‘in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes.’ That prophecy will come true not just for Job but for all of us.” (Philip Yancey)
We know all God’s promises to make all things new come true – Because He Lives!
There is a part in Nicole’s song, “My Redeemer Lives” that I always listen for and find to be a particular blessing. Towards the end of the song when Nicole sings the chorus she is singing from the top of her lungs about her Redeemer living. As she sings so passionately and with the choir backing her up in song, Nicole adds words of personal testimony as she sings (I put her added testimony in parentheses).
I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
I know that, I know that, I know that, I know
‘I know my Redeemer lives’
(Because He lives I can face tomorrow)
He lives, I know, I know, I know.
He lives.
(I spoke to Him this morning)
He lives.
(The tomb is empty)
He lives.
(I gotta tell somebody)
Nicole expresses her hope and confidence and joy at Jesus being a living Redeemer and her relationship with Him (she spoke to Him this morning) is what we have and can enjoy and express. With faith in our Living Savor, we can sing as Nicole
I Know My Redeemer Lives; Because He lives I Can Face Tomorrow
He lives, I know He lives; I spoke to Him this morning
He lives; The tomb is empty
He lives; I gotta tell somebody
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